Thursday, November 22, 2007

A tribute to JFK

Last night,  I chanced upon a DVD copy of  Robert Groden's documentary "JFK : The case for conspiracy".  I have always been a JFK fan dated way back when i was still a kid. 
I used to browse over the many Jack Kennedy books of my mom, staring for hours at the various snapshots of the man, whom many believed was a visionary way ahead of his time. 
I recall at that tender age, i was moved by the captions and photos of his funeral. The picture of  little JFK Jr's salute as the carriage of his father passed by, the black horse without a rider, flag-covered coffin, the solemn funeral march were all images of the greatness that was JFK.
It was only during my college days, where i began to discover the political side of Jack Kennedy. His charisma, his trailblazing partnership with his brother, bobby, leading up to the civil rights movement, bay of pigs and the missiles of October.
Looking back, i seem to have idolized him as i found myself actively involved in student council politics - with the burning passion of wanting to make dramatic changes in campus government.
In spite of my fascination for JFK, i only have 2 books and 2 films about his life and death.
I think I've watched Oliver Stone's  film "JFK" more than any other films I've seen in my lifetime.  It was only in recent times that I've finally understood that greatness of his vision. 
His desire for peace and freedom sent shivers to the establishment. 
Jack Kennedy indeed was a man way ahead of his generation. 
Today is the 44Th death anniversary of JFK.
His dream of a better world was shot down on November 22, 1963.
My blog is my tribute to John F. Kennedy.
In the hope, that my children will get the inspiration to know more about the man and to continue to pass on the lessons learned for generations to come.

Lady in Red

Suddenly, she climbed on top of the table...and danced....weaving some sort of a magical spell....It seems all of us were hypnotized by her sway and moves......who is this lady in red?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

New Blog; New Cat! Wow !

For as long as i can remember, i've always been a fan of my mother's writings. Because of my prodding, she has started blogging via her

Sharing to the world her first entry - -


I'm a computer dummy and a certified cat lover. Its a horribly frustrating combination when one is trying to open a blog for the first time.I test my son's patience as I struggle to wade through an incredibly busy looking computerscreen loaded with mysterious icons and God knows what else..How can I concentrate when when my mind keeps wondering on that beautiful kitten. Do you think I have the "cat flu?" Is it full moon tonight?

You should see my daughter's cat.

See, I told you. I am supposed to be practicing my lesson on "how to open my first blog" and all I could think of is that beautiful, furry feline of mysterious origins. My son's wife insists "Bluey" is a Siamese Cat, but hey, you cat lovers out there...have you ever seen a Siamese Cat with light zebra stripes on her head and butt and only on those places? He sports a furry, furry tail that makes you wonder if one ancestor happend to be a fox! A cat with fluffy coat as soft as cotton and whiskers as long as a tiger cub? Call him by any other name but Siamese Cat.

We call him " Bluey De Ayala" Why? To begin, with he has eyes as blue as clouds on summer day and he walks with the air of a TRUE aristoCAT..hence, the monicer "De Ayala." He, he a cat to the manor born.

Now back to my nth attempt to open a blog. I guess all I needed was patience and baby talk...the kind of talk you use when teaching pre-schoolers.

Well, so far so good. I guess I have to credit my son for remembering his mom was afterall born on that time when all that was expected of an intelligent grade I pupil was to be able to read " I am Pepe, I am Pilar. This is Bantay our dog and he barks Bow-wow-wow